Passage #64: 15 September 2010
Island Tea Time
Ah, tea time. Surely, this must be the most relaxing hour of the day. Surely, you say, pinky out, scone in hand, there is no better way to enjoy this life.
But wait! Do you know what would be even more relaxing, more full of life-enjoyment? Tea time on an ISLAND!
Rather than being stuck indoors back in rainy old Mother England, you could be taking your tea outside, in your very own paradise. Good bye, gray skies! Here, on the island, all you have to do is sit back and listen to the waves*, enjoy your tropical** surroundings, and drink your tea*** whilst your attendants**** fan you with palm fronds.
It will be an easy ride this week: distances short, hills small, pace relaxed. One mustn't overexert oneself during tea, after all.
We will have a stove, a kettle and - of course - some tea. We will have some cups too, but nothing fancy. If you wish to increase the fanciness level, we encourage you to bring tea-appropriate food items (think: biscuits, scones, tiny sandwiches...) and if you really want to class it up, a cup or small thermos.
If you have some tea of your own that you would like to share, so much the better, because WE would like to drink it with you. (Despite the distinctly Anglophilic spin we've put on this, please be assured that teas from all regions and cultures of the globe will be welcomed with open arms and mouths.)
At least three islands. At least three types of tea. It will totally be the relaxing-est.
- ∗ passing cars
- ∗∗ concrete
- ∗∗∗ no, seriously, we mean tea; that part is real.
- ∗∗∗∗ you did remember to bring your attendants, didn't you?
Photos 6-11 by Steve