Passage #509: 19 June 2019
The Last Hill*
There are no literal hills on this final ride, only a good selection of high points -- figurative hills, you see -- that we've enjoyed over the years. They are all quite low-lying, these high points, so if you usually avoid the hills, we can assure you that these ones will be easy to scale.
It's a common question though, usually asked somewhere around two-thirds of the way through a ride, as we reach the top of a long incline or some dumb rocky scramble where we really have no business dragging our bicycles to begin with: Is this the last hill? And we will often answer that yes, it is... we think. But later we find ourselves almost as surprised as everyone else to realize that there is, in fact, one more. Oh, right, that hill. Here we are though, at the last ride, and if there is to be a last hill, then this is surely, definitively it.
Now of course, with figurative hills, you can never be certain, even as you are riding it. The question depends not so much upon the topography as upon your frame of mind. Is this the last hill? Is this one?
Well you tell us. Is it?