Passage #346: 6 April 2016

By the Numbers

This week’s route was ~100% mapped out in advance.

The route was ~90% scouted.

The mapped route was ~80% ignored when scouting.

The likelihood that the mapped or the scouted route will be followed is ~35%.

~99% of the route will consist of paved roads or walkways.

~95% of the route will consist of paved roads or walkways we have previously taken on the ride.

~50% of the route will consist of paved roads or walkways that ~50% of the riders will have never been on before.

~0% of the route will consist of anything we would call a hill.

The likelihood that we’ll reach our single specific destination for the evening is ~87%.

The likelihood that anyone would notice if we reached our specific destination or not if we didn’t mention that there was a specific destination to be reached at all is ~15%.

The likelihood that you read maybe a couple of these figures and then skipped down to the bottom for the details is ~95%.

~66% of these figures are nothing more than extremely rough approximations anyway.

Route Map

map346.jpg: 700x700, 136k (May 10, 2016, at 12:55 AM)

Previous Route | Next Route

Passage346_DSC07301.jpg: 700x467, 99k (May 08, 2016, at 10:39 PM)
Passage346_DSC07307.jpg: 700x467, 135k (May 08, 2016, at 10:39 PM)