Passage #281: 10 January 2015
Trail Mix
Almonds or cashews? M&Ms or chocolate chips? Cranberries or raspberries? Wasabi peas? Or maybe just good old raisins and peanuts? So many snack choices when you're out on a trail! A dozen donuts makes a nifty repast. But, despite all evidence to the contrary (the picnics, the homemade bread, the donuts), The Passage is not in fact a culinary society. No, we are an exploratory bike ride. So the "trail mix" in question is actually, you know, a mix of trails.
Who said we can't be clear, straightforward, to the point?
And what a mix of trails we have for you this week. Foot trails? We got 'em. Horse trails? Check. Use trails? Yep. Bike trails? Natch. Indeed, around three fourths of the ride is on one form of trail or another -- two thirds of that (half overall) unpaved. Trails: we will be on them, and a mixture thereof.
So we guess the thing you need to ask yourself is not so much "Can I do this ride?" but "Do I WANT to do this ride?" If you tend to wish we'd just get on a road already, enough with the dirt and the rocks and the bumps and the nonsense -- your wrists and your 700x23s both conjuring up mental sad-face emojis -- then you probably want to sit this one out. If, however, you can't get enough of the off-roading (and have a bike that can't get enough of the off-roading), well, you're golden. You'll be treated to a variety of surfaces in a variety of settings, and some truly spectacular views. Yum!