Passage #265: 3 September 2014


With Labor Day now past and thus the summer vacay coming to a close, we really should make sure to make time to take it easy. YOLO, amirite? So, this week we do just that. No real hills, no off-roading -- only smooth pavement ahead. We'll take off our thinking caps (or at least face them backwards). We'll turn up the summer jams to drown out the depressing realities of the world. (Ew, srs! #yuck) We'll switch on the cruise control, relax, chill out. (Heck, we may even chillax a little, LOL.) Less exertion; moar coasting!

Route Map

map265.jpg: 700x700, 138k (December 19, 2014, at 04:56 PM)

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