Passage #25: 9 December 2009


It's been nearly two weeks since Thanksgiving and there's still Tupperware full of food sitting in the fridge. So it's time to bake ourselves a big ole casserole! Take the 2nd half of the Paris ride that we didn't have time to do and the 2nd half of the birthday ride that we skipped and you put them together and you add a little cheese and you get this week's ride. Includes one classic tunnel, one ultra-inconvenient passageway, and one silly steep (but short) downhill.

Route map

map25.jpg: 700x700, 138k (April 09, 2012, at 07:20 PM)

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Passage25_1050320.jpg: 700x525, 142k (February 14, 2010, at 08:24 PM)
Passage25_1050327.jpg: 700x525, 125k (February 14, 2010, at 08:24 PM)
Passage25_1050334.jpg: 700x525, 121k (February 14, 2010, at 08:24 PM)
Passage25_1050337.jpg: 700x525, 79k (February 14, 2010, at 08:24 PM)
Passage25_1050340.jpg: 700x525, 124k (February 14, 2010, at 08:25 PM)