Passage #176: 28 November 2012
Camera Obscura
This week, we are doing what we have done before when the ride leader is unable to ride. We will have a scavenger hunt!*
But of course, we here at The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time are less about collecting things and more about collecting experiences. Take only footprints; leave only memories! We think that's how it goes. But anyway, the point we should emphasize here is that you should try to BRING A DIGITAL CAMERA!**
This is, we'll admit, a bit technocentric, as people through the ages have developed a wide variety of methods to faithfully record images of their experiences. Impressions in clay, rubbings with crayon and butcher paper, pinholes and large darkened rooms and so on... Even the bees, with their little dances, are able to convey their experiences to one another after the fact.
However, if only for the ease of judging, we must impose some standards. Much as we would welcome the sight of our riders hauling around their own casting clay, darkened rooms or rolls of butcher paper to record their experiences, we are limiting acceptable entries to digital photos***.
We may also have a couple of loaner cameras available, for anyone who might be deterred by that requirement. We will be breaking into teams, so no one will be left out.
* Unless it rains, in which case we will do a different thing that we have done before by going to the bowling alley instead.
** Or a camera phone capable of taking decent photos in the dark.
*** Or Polaroids, if you've got a lot of film to burn. Also bees. If you can record your experience entirely using bees, you will get full points.
3rd place route?