Passage #147: 2 May 2012

Many Rivers to Cross

Well now, what more is there to say beyond what it say on the tin? There are many rivers. And we are to cross them.

Oh, and some lakes. We don't cross those, exactly. We sort of circumnavigate them. Wait, actually no, since that implies being in a boat, like circumnavigating the globe? We just, uh, we just go around them. Oh, and there's one small hill, which we, err, traverse would be the right word, we think? Streets and paths and parks, too. Yes. Those. But the rivers, the rivers are the main thing.

A video of this week by a rider, Olivier Frei.

Route Map

map147.jpg: 700x700, 140k (May 05, 2012, at 07:12 PM)

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